De Bortoli Wines – First Platinum Partner of the Sustainability Advantage Program
De Bortoli Wines is proud to announce that they are now the first Platinum Partner in the Sustainability Advantage Program. Sustainability Advantage helps organisations understand sustainability and strengthen their environmental performance. The program is a business support service from the NSW Government’s Office of Energy and Climate Change. More than 800 organisations have participated in the Sustainability Advantage Program. Nearly half of all members are based in regional NSW. And over 30% are Bronze, Silver or Gold Partners for achieving positive environmental outcomes.
Since 2009 De Bortoli Wines has been a member of the program, resulting in a number of initiatives created to help increase efficiency in resource usage. Further, this partnership was instrumental in gaining a grant from the Federal Government in 2013 to perform a major upgrade to the Bilbul Winery. This whole project resulted in a 16% saving in energy compared to the base year. This was the result of the efficiencies gained through not reprocessing the bottles, solar power and hot water installation as well as wine processing improvements.
In 2019 De Bortoli Wines was recognised as a Sustainability Advantage Gold Partner for the second time. Fast forward to 2022, achieving a Platinum Partnership recognises the effort of De Bortoli Wines as an organisation that consistently demonstrated innovation, performance and sustainability practices in becoming a Zero Waste Winery.
A Word From Managing Director, Darren De Bortoli
De Bortoli Wines has a philosophy and mission to create great wines with the commitment to sustainable winemaking. Managing Director, Darren De Bortoli, says:
“This recognition further solidifies our culture at De Bortoli of continuous improvement. This drives us to explore new and innovative approaches to sustainable wine production. Our commitment to sustainability and making sustainable wines will continue in 2023 and beyond.”
Recently, Darrell Fiddler, Broadacre Farm Manager at De Bortoli was awarded The Lamb Weston Stewardship & Community Award at the 2022 Zimmatic Trailblazer Sustainable Irrigation Awards for his commitment to research and innovation to improve biodiversity. This is a testament to our sustainability commitment.
De Bortoli’s sustainability efforts never stop and are always constantly evolving and changing. To follow De Bortoli Wines sustainability journey visit this page.